There are four ways to overcome the wrecking ball in your online business but seem to elude the faint hearted. If allowed, it will destroy the very fiber of your being!

I was almost classified in this category. Do you remember the song, “I just wish that I knew what I know now?” I don’t remember the artist, but I do remember the catchy tune. Knowing what I know now sure would have saved me a lot of heartache when I was younger.

When I was about ten I remember having a lemonade stand in the middle of fall. It was cold out then and my friends ribbed me so harshly that I almost gave up on my sales escapade. After I stayed outside for an hour or so with no sales money in my little cup, I began to believe what my friends were saying was true.

I guess my father saw my disappointment wrote all over my face through the window because he came out to keep me company. Now I don’t know about anyone else’s dad, but mine was like Superman in my eyes. Little did I know then pop taught me a few lessons that afternoon about business and life in general.

He sat and talked to me about 4 things I need to know to survive in any type of business. The 4 concepts are actually very simplistic in nature. They are belief, passion, patience, and perseverance.

Dad asked me if I still believe people will come and buy my lemonade. I answered by saying I didn’t know but if they were coming, I wished they would come soon. He told me to be patient and they will come. He said for right now, I need to know if you believe they will come or not. Of course I said yes, but I still wasn’t sure.

I learned the awesome power of belief that day. I found out that when I truly believed they would show up and buy, I became very passionate about selling. I didn’t know the first thing about advertising or marketing like I know today, but I went into the house and began to call some kids in the neighbor. Little did I know, my mother already called their parents.

In the mean time I went back outside, only to find dad ready to tell me a story about some old farmer and his mule. Bet your bottom dollar I wasn’t very interested in his story then, but it kicked in about thirty years later. It was a perfect illustration about perseverance.

Pop told me this mule fell in an abandoned well. The farmer attempted its rescue. Unable, he was determined to bury his friend and dumped a load of dirt down the well. That mule kicked, stomped, and snorted, until he stood two feet higher. A few more loads of dirt a lot of kicking, snorting, and stomping down that dirt, the mule walked out on level ground… a survivor!

I bet by now your asking “What in the world does this story have to do with an online business?” It has everything to do with overcoming the wrecking ball!

Unlike the mule, often Internet marketers get caught in a well, but they see no way out so they give up! In actuality, the wrecking ball is a form of self-destruction! It’s so deadly! I truly believe this is the reason it is so elusive to the faint hearted. Not practicing these concepts in our business is like inviting a wrecking ball into our minds that can, and will, demolish everything in its path including our self esteem and confidence.

If you are one of the faint hearted, I urge you to keep your chin about you. Try believing that people will buy from you! Once you believe they will come, your passion level will be higher than you can possibly imagine!

Now get out there and advertise the heck out of your product(s). Just don’t expect it to happen overnight. It does take hard work. Be persistent and have patience prudence, they will come.

By the way, about that lemonade stand… within a half hour or so people started to come and buy my lemonade. I made $56.30 that day. It may not seem like a lot of money to you, but back then, at ten cents a glass and age 10, it seemed like a goldmine to me.

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