Stammering (clinically referred to as dysphemia) is a form of speech defect concerned with an involuntary action of repeating or prolonging of syllables or words. For example, when a person pronounces the word “stop” but instead says it like, “sssssstop” or “ssstt-sstt-sttop,” that is stammering.

Naturally, the condition is frustrating for the patient as it not only hampers his/her ability to communicate well, it also opens him/her to perceptions that he or she is slow and stupid. There is no direct link between stammering and mental capacity. Studies show that speech defects like stammering are usually brought on by bad speech habits developed in childhood.

Can stammering be cured?

The answer is an overwhelming yes. Since the condition is primarily caused by habit, given enough time bad habits can be unlearned and replaced with the proper ones leading to correct speech.

How can you get help?

How can you help yourself?

Finally, there is nothing wrong with asking for positive reinforcement from friends, family and co-workers when you undergo the measures to cure stammering. It’s only right to do so and those who respect you will only be too willing to help you.

With patience, diligence and some time, the problem of stammering can be solved leading to a fuller and more productive life for you and everyone around you.

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