Although all people on our planet are on practicaly the same fashion conditions, peoples’ clothes all over the world differ. So this time I’ll tell you about how people are used to dress in Russia.
So in spite of the fact the daily fashion in Russia is much alike the States or UK fashion, you can notice that there are some differences in the way people dress. At first sight it can seem unusual, but there are some basic rules to adjust to these differences easily.
The first thing that is really easy to notice is the way Russian ladies are dressed. However it may seem strange and unlike the woman in States and European countries are dressed, don’t let that intimidate you. This style is absolutely typical for a Russian bride to wear high heels on a regular basis, to wear dresses and look polished and perfect even if she is simply going to a store. Most women here work and coming to office automatically implies wearing dressy clothes. You will also see many of them wear jeans, which is acceptable casual attire for men as well (as everywhere in the world I guess :-)).
Of course, it’s a common knowledge that most women can spend HOURS in front of the mirror getting ready for a date, clothing choice before a big event is not any less nerve racking for men. If you are taking a Russian bride for a first date, we would strongly recommend to get dressed up – it’s a simple logic that a perfectly looking girl would like to spend her time with the guy who looks good as well. A man in a suit is always an attractive sight, however if you are not big on wearing suits, slacks and shirt will be just fine.
Also your choice of attire will depend on where you are going. For people in Russia and the other FSU countries going to a restaurant is not an every-day occasion, so it implies something special. If you are planning to attend an establishment like that, your best bet is to go dressy. If you are going to a night club – pants or jeans with a button-up shirt will be just fine. If you are planning a day time outing, feel free to go as casual as you like (jeans, shorts and t-shirts are fair game).
Many people often worry about clothing when traveling to the FSU in the fall and winter. It is difficult to give one-fits all advice, because the temperatures in the cold season will vary from region to region. You can check the weather forecast in advance as well as ask the person you are visiting or one of our agents for specifics before leaving your home country, but if you take a very warm coat and several heavy sweater, you won’t miss at this point :-).
Some guys do the following: they bring a light jacket and a heavy sweater just for the time of travel, and purchase the rest of the clothing once they arrive to their destination. You won’t spend as much on your clothes in Russia or Ukraine as you will at home, and you can always leave some of it if your luggage gets too heavy or if don’t have any use for the purchased items back at home. If you budget has room for such an alternative, you may find this option more convenient in terms of having a lighter luggage and leaving more room for gifts and souvenirs for your Russian bride.
If you decide to shop for clothes, you will find plenty of boutiques and stores to visit. However, if you are looking for a good deal, you can always take a trip to an open air market (these are very popular in the FSU countries). Wherever you decide to look for clothes, take extra caution to examine the items for quality, it would not be out of place.
Also, keep in mind that it is not common for people in the FSU countries to use a washer and dryer cycle, as common in the US, for example. Many clothes you will find (especially winter items) might have hand wash only, no dryer instructions. So, if you plan on buying something you would like to wear after returning home, take an extra look at clothing care instructions.
So I guess, I’ve revealed the most important points of how to dress in Russia. I hope these would be useful for you, guys, while you are searching for your dream!