Gloomy hospital corridors and generic treatment programs are things of the past. Addiction is hard enough as it is. People need drug rehabilitation centers that enable complete focus on healing both the mind and the body. Sobriety is only possible when all physical and mental needs are met. Highly personalized care and soothing, naturally rejuvenating surroundings are vital. New rehabilitation philosophies are making drug addiction easier than ever to treat and overcome. “Progressive” drug treatment programs utilize the priorities of maximum-comfort, individualized care, and nature’s serenity and beauty to assist clients in regaining control of their lives. Not all rehabilitation centers are the same, but with a comprehensive program that fully covers the following four main components, an addiction-free life is not just possible; it is permanent.
Drug Detox: The Biological Process
Ideally on-site to provide a unified program, all treatment programs must begin with thorough drug detox. The residual presence of alcohol and other harmful drugs forces the body into a constant state of defense. Enzymes and chemical reactions attempt to protect the brain as unwanted substances damage cells and DNA. Eventually, the body grows used to these damaging forces doing battle and dependency naturally takes over. The detox process is the only way to rid the body of that resulting dependency. Since withdrawal symptoms may include jitteriness, shakes, insomnia, and convulsions, it is important that detox centers provide one-on-one medical care twenty-four hours a day. Psychiatrists, neuropharmacologists, and highly trained nurses are needed to care for already diagnosed problems and arising complications. Although often painful, drug detox is a necessary part of the rehabilitation process, and it is only temporary.
Drug Counseling: The Psychological Process
After detox physically removes all poisons from the body, the mental recovery of substance abuse can begin. People must not only work through the underlying problems that initially led to dependency, but also ready themselves for addiction-free lives. Highly trained drug counselors assist in the self-discovery needed to heal past wounds. Soon, people regain control of their lives and are ready to move successfully forward.
As drug rehabilitation centers bring people with a common thread together, camaraderie strengthens support. This is essential to the healing process. However, addiction is ultimately a personal experience. While the facts of addiction may be the same for all, each individual situation originated from a unique life story and will affect each person’s life differently. Dependency will never be destroyed until the source of all emotional and mental issues are healed. Not everyone is going to benefit from the same program. It is vital that rehabilitation centers recognize and closely address this reality.
Individualized treatment must begin with the actual counseling process itself. Everyone is an individual. True rehabilitation programs recognize the inadequacy of group therapy. Frequent and personalized counseling is crucial. While everyone has different needs, deeply personal, hurtful issues are often too embarrassing to share in a group. Healing cannot occur when a person is constantly forced to fear exposure. Full self realization and understanding cannot occur without adequate time, attention, and safety. Numerous individualized counseling sessions devised by the collaboration of many specialists provide true, enduring healing.
New research continuously discovers that connections between body and mind are more complexly intertwined than ever imagined. Stress and pain in one area will inevitably manifest in a multitude of different forms. Too often, people are cheated with meager imitations of group-driven drug treatment programs. Only holistic methodology can bring adequate healing.
Counseling treatments must be organized. Within a holistic framework counseling can extend past issues of chemical dependency. It is natural for people to deny or repress painful memories. Therefore, treatments such as psychotherapy and the psychically induced, mentally relaxed state of hypnotherapy provide significant results. While family/marriage counseling focuses on the strained relationships that cause and/or are damaged by addiction, spiritual and life purpose counseling provide a non-religiously-specific way for inner exploration and growth. In order to ensure complete holistic healing, comprehensive drug treatment centers complete their programs with even further specializations, such as nutritional counseling, image therapy, and treatments incorporating yoga/music/art are offered. Most importantly, rehabilitation centers must offer customized therapy opportunities. With holistic therapy the unique individuality of every person can be met.
Mind, Body and Spirit
Likewise, physical treatment should never be reserved to the initial detox process. Services, such as physical training (both in and outdoors), massage therapy, other forms of bodywork, and acupuncture treatment, should be a component of your rehabilitation program. Within the mind and body’s connection both rigorous and low-endurance exercises provide essential outlets towards recovery.
A rehabilitation center’s surroundings also serve as a crucial component of its quality. The majestic powers of nature and the comforts of a fully furnished residential area complete the comforting effects of the body/spirit connection. Dwelling in the harmony and tranquility of their surroundings, residents can soak in the calming effects of such radiance.
Holistic & individualized drug rehabilitation centers offer a multitude of mental and physical therapies. Embracing each person’s individuality, they bring true enduring healing.
Inpatient and Outpatient
Scheduling and patient-regulations is another important factor to consider before choosing which treatment program to enter. Drug Rehab centers must offer the flexibility of both in/outpatient services. Ideally, centers should offer opportunities that extend, shorten, and break up basic program lengths. It is also important that centers do not forbid valued life objects, such as computer, telephone, favorite music or visits from family and friends. By incorporating people’s real lives into treatment whenever possible, clients more readily embrace treatment and endure the stresses of return shock.
Providing true rehabilitation, an individualized and holistic drug rehab center will highly reduce stress and discomfort. With an individualized and holistic approach, drug rehabilitation centers provide a smooth and long-lasting recovery. Don’t be afraid to call. The ideal program waits to personalize its complete body/mind treatment for you. If substance abuse affects you or a loved one, call right now to reach friendly and understanding staff. Addiction has monopolized too long; it cannot be ignored. Freedom from addiction waits only moments away.