Mediocre people choose lives of mediocrity. It’s not that they aren’t smart enough..or lucky enough…or attractive enough.
People who live lives of excellence, on the other hand, make excellent choices (I’m not saying they don’t experience setbacks – I’m saying they approach their day differently).
Imagine with me for a moment: what if there was a way to Ignite the Success Forces within you? Would you practice it?
If we knew something about the difference between those who live in mediocrity and those who live, move and breathe in excellence, do you think that could help us to have more success in our lives?
You bet it could.
So, then: How Do We Ignite the Success Forces Within Us?
The answer may seem somewhat hidden, but I assure you: it is not hidden to men and women of success and achievement.
If you want to have real success in your life, then you absolutely MUST move from moment to moment with a SENSE OF URGENCY.
Have you ever seen a boxer accidently bump heads with his opponent and get a cut over his eye?
I have. And let me tell you: once he gets that cut under his eye, he starts moving with a sense of urgency…big time.
Why? Because he knows the referee can now stop the fight at any moment.
You need to start attacking each hour and minute of the day with the same sense of urgency.
If you never made time for your personal vision, or never followed through on your goals to get in shape and lose weight, and I came along one day and put a gun to your head and said I’ll pull the trigger if you didn’t get your things accomplished in the next 4 hours, do you think that would motivate you and make a difference?
Some of you may say no it wouldn’t…but I’m guessing most people would agree that they’d move with a greater sense of urgency.
It is this type of self-motivation that will move you further and faster than you ever did before in your life.
Approach your day in this way and in no time you’ll begin to see a new person staring back at you in the mirror.
Living in a state of urgency tells the mind that you are going to be relentless until you meet with success.
Urgency provides immediate focus to the tasks that must be done. Before you know it, momentum builds and carries you towards achievement.
Waking up at 5:00 am each morning to some would be unimaginable; to me it is my way of preparing to be an effective mom, mentor and business owner.
With urgency, you perform at a higher level of accomplishment.
It becomes unacceptable for you not to.
Urgency creates a reality that anything is possible or attainable and this is where your creative imagination will uncover a way to make it happen.
Approach your day, your business and yourself as though
your life depended on it.
Because it does!
Only you can decide what you would be willing to do.
Decide today and then act on it with urgency. Success will follow.
Enjoy the day,