Steam bathing provides a cardiovascular workout without stress or strain on your joints. You heart rate will speed up 50-75% in a 20-minute steam bath. This goes a long way to speeding up your metabolism, thus helping you burn fat. It is about the same as going for a long walk. Some people are under the conception that steam baths raise your blood pressure. While this is true, it also expands your blood vessels to compensate.

Stress Relief

In today’s fast-paced world, we are rarely able to take time for ourselves, to relax, and just let our bodies rest. It has been proven time and time again that stress plays a huge role in our physical health and metal well-being. A sauna session is a great way to kick back with a good book or your favorite music and just relax.


Sweating is as essential to our health as eating and breathing. It accomplishes three important things: rids the body of wastes, regulates the critical temperature of the body at 37 degrees C (98.6 degrees F), and helps keep the skin clean and pliant. Many people, in this sedentary sauna benefit,sauna health benefit,hot sauna,dry sauna,buy a sauna,build a sauna,sauna,infrared sauna,home sauna,arizona sauna age, simply don’t sweat enough, making sweat bathing particularly desirable during these times. Antiperspirants, artificial environments, smog, synthetic clothing, and a physically idle lifestyle all conspire to clog skin pores and inhibit the healthy flow of sweat. These detrimental effects are reversed in a sweat bath.

A Finnish doctor wrote: “The best-dressed of foreigners can come into a doctor’s office, and when his skin is examined, it is found to be rough as bark. On the other hand, as a result of the sauna, the skin of any Finnish worker is supple and healthy.” Properly cared for skin is better able to resist eczema, athlete’s foot, pimples and blackheads.

Furthermore, combining sweat bathing and brushing with a loofa or rough brush removes flakes of dried skin cells that accumulate on the epidermis. If allowed to remain, they can clog sweat pores and oil passages and result in dry, flaky skin.

Blood Pressure

One Finnish study observed that whereas blood pressure of healthy persons remains approximately normal in a sweat bath, there occurs a marked reduction of pressure in persons suffering from high blood pressure. However, this effect is only transient, and the original condition returns soon after the sweat bath.

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