Your life is essentially a movie. You’ve got lead characters, a supporting cast, dramatic events, and quite a few twists in the plot.

It’s obvious you are the main character in your life movie. Just as important though, is you’re the director. The director can either make the movie – or break it. Why? Because a director’s job is to edit, review, and revise.

Sadly, many people have hired everyone else but themselves for the role. These people often end up a “victim of life.” However, it’s never too late to fire that guy and hire yourself!

As the director, you get the exciting opportunity to keep the things in your life you love, and change the things you’re not so happy about. You get to add a little comedy, action, romance, adventure – whatever it takes to make a life-movie you’re proud of.

Let’s Talk Salary

Congratulations! You have just offered yourself the position of directing your life – and accepted it!

It’s no wonder big-time, Hollywood directors make anywhere between $3,000,000 and $250,000,000 per movie! Yes, you read right – 3 to 250 million dollars. All that for a two hour movie.

Now let’s apply that to you. As the director of your life (because it’s a non-stop job), you will have directed 4380 2-hour movies. Just for fun, let’s say you get paid a mere 2 million per movie. Your annual income would be $8,760,000,000,000!

OK, now let’s be serious. If you’re making a quality movie – one that you’re proud of and audiences will love – don’t you deserve to be paid for it? After all, if every movie of your life is filled with great things, not only do you improve your life, but your family’s and those around you. You are truly making the world a better place.

Who’s Going to Pay Me?

The realist in you is screaming this question at the top of its lungs. The answer: YOU. How? By investing in yourself. In your life movie, if it’s your financial situation you’re not satisfied with, start by finding another stream of income – preferably one that generates income 24 hours a day. If it’s your health, make a change in your diet or exercise routine. Or maybe you don’t feel there’s enough time for you in your day. As the director, you get the authority to add some “you-time” in your schedule.

The common thread here is to try something new. You’re going to keep getting what you’ve always gotten if you keep doing what you’ve always done. You’re in charge!

And… Action!

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