Can singles make a love connection on dating personals? Yes! Dating personals, it seems, are ideal for single people seeking dates, a romance, and in extreme cases, sexual partners.

Additionally, people who are weary of the local dating scene, are suddenly single, or are caught up in a hectic professional life, are usually the ones who browse through the dating personals as an alternative to meeting people at bars, clubs, through friends, etc. Dating personals in magazines or newspapers or on the Internet allow them to place a personal advertisement that has the potential to generate interest from a variety of people who have something in common with them.

A good profile clearly states the applicant’s individual qualities and preferences, in addition to precise information on what he or she is looking for. The key is to create a profile that “pulls” or immediately arrests the readers’ attention; this necessitates a creative headline and a couple of key points and should end with a flourish. Avoid needy or corny lines like “Are you my soul mate?”. Whether your reasons for placing an ad in the dating personals section is camaraderie, romance, or future marriage, submitting an honest resume will increase your chances of accurate matches; your dating profile must be created just like your professional resume. And, above all, it should be factual.

Most people are a bit hesitant to post personals or meet someone who has advertised in them, fearing that the person could be a stalker or a rapist. Although people have to be careful when it comes to blind dates, those who place personal ads are basically people looking for some company.

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