Are you so serious about working at home that you would pay money to prove it? If you answer yes to that question, you are a prime target for scammers because this is one tactic they love to use. They may word it differently on various websites and advertisements, but the main point they want to get across is that by sending them your money, you will be “proving” how serious you are about working for them.
Nothing could be more ridiculous. Have you ever seen a legitimate company do something like this? Imagine applying for a job at any established company, and as you are handing your application to the receptionist, she says, “Thank you, Mr. Smith. In order to prove you are really serious about working for us, we will need to charge you a $19.95 application processing fee. Will that be cash or credit card?” Ridiculous, right?
Yet, that same intelligent, hard-working Mr. Smith would think nothing of sending his money to an obscure Paypal account if the owner claims to have work at home jobs available. It’s just one more example of how scammers prey on your desperation to work at home. They know you are eagerly searching for a way to earn an income from home, and they know that you’ll do anything to make that happen.
The good news is that this tactic makes the scammers incredibly transparent and easy to avoid. By asking for your money, they are “proving” that they do not have anything to offer you, because legitimate companies will not charge you any money to work for them.
So, how do you prove you’re serious about working for a company that does offer legitimate work at home? It’s a little more complex than whipping out the credit card. Here are three ways to make telecommuting employers sit up and take notice:
1) Make sure your resume and cover letter are in top form. If you’re not confident about your ability to write your own resume and cover letter, definitely pay a professional to do them for you. A good cover letter can be all it takes to grab the attention of a hiring manager, while a targeted resume can accurately portray your skills and experience, which will result in getting that coveted interview.
2) Apply for jobs you are truly qualified for. While it may be tempting to apply for any home-based job you come across, your application will carry more weight if you focus on jobs that complement your experience and qualifications. Avoid applying for jobs that you are grossly overqualified or underqualified for, or jobs that have nothing to do with the experience you have. If an advertisement specifies that no experience is necessary, you can certainly apply, but be sure to mention in your cover letter why you feel you would be the best one for the job. Highlight any experience you do have that would help you to excel in this job.
3) Portray yourself as a true professional in every way. From the moment you begin composing your application, it is imperative to demonstrate why you would be an asset to the company. Give special attention to your application and review it several times to be sure there are no errors. Learn as much as you can about the proper way to apply for jobs, interview strategies, and professional etiquette. It may seem like a lot of effort, but it is time well-spent! The attention you put into the process will reveal a lot about you, and make you stand out from the other applicants who may be more careless.
See how easy that is? Okay, maybe it’s not as easy as shelling out $19.95, but this way you’ll actually EARN money, instead of losing it! It may take time and determination to get a legitimate work at home job, but if you do all you can to prepare yourself and approach it in the right way, you will be successful. And the next time someone asks you if you’re serious about working at home, you can honestly answer yes — and you won’t have to touch your wallet to prove it.