By now the movie “The Secret” has been out for over a year. It’s even been discussed on Oprah. Many people are ready to change their lives by using the Law of Attraction. OK, so now what? How come we can think of all the stuff we want and it doesn’t show up? Where’s my Genie!?!?
I believe the root cause of the appearance of failure is the difference between “Wishful thinking” and “Knowing”.
Have you ever wished you had a new car yet knew it would not appear? Sure…when there’s only $56.33 in your bank account and the car you want costs over 40K, duh! You KNOW it won’t materialize. That, my good friend, is wishful thinking.
Starting with a couple obvious examples, you KNOW the sky is blue and you KNOW that night will come at the end of the day. How about some other instances of knowing: have you ever known you were going to have a good time at a particular party, or that you were going to get what you wanted for Christmas, or that you were going to bump into a good friend you hadn’t seen for awhile? You were using the Law of Attraction! You combined certainty with a good feeling. There must be both, just one won’t bring your vision to life.
Now…do it again, deliberately and repeatedly. Consciously focus on your desired outcome and work up some really good feelings about it. Those heartfelt feelings give the Universe guidance about what you want. On the negative side, when you feel really bad about something, those feelings are intense enough to guide the Universe to give you more of whatever you feel about.
I have finally started having some success with the Law of Attraction. I guided my feelings by telling myself I am “falling in love” with my desires. The concept of “falling in love” allows you to feel deeply, those feelings that send a warm sensation through you like a sip of a fine liqueur will. It also keeps that desire in the top of your mind so you focus on it a lot and with great feeling.
Remember, combine the two aspects of Knowing and Feeling Good. As Donald Trump is quoted as saying: “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big”. A variation could be: “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think about everything you really want!”