By the time I finish writing this article I am going to need peace my self. Writing is a journey that sometimes like life is frustrating. The career of writing like life put demands, stress, and sweat from hard work on persons, while giving little in return. If you believe that last remark, let me tell you another one.
Writers are gifted people and the rewards are there, but like everything else, they arrive at a slow pace. Inner peace is similar to writing; since you work…work…work…work…and the rewards of your efforts seem miles away.
Do you want inner peace? Sure, we all want inner peace, or at least nearly all of us do. How do you achieve inner peace? Do you have the ability to use your mind over matter to control your psyche? If not then you must live, learn, read, and practice in order to reach your peace of mind.
What are you doing to achieve your inner peace? Some people go to Church believing it is the answer to finding inner quietness of the mind. This is not true in many cases, because unfortunately (like many other sources in life) churches do not always have the truth.
What is the truth? Do you know? Do you scramble through each day searching by means of the subconscious mind to find answers to your question, yet fell to see the answers because you are afraid to meet your subconscious mind?
Until you find truth, you will not find inner peace. Regardless of what you’ve heard throughout your lifetime the truth is somewhere within you. Even if you do not have the entire truth, you have more than you think. We are all born with the gift of inner peace and the gift of truth. Ethnic is truth. Thus, it is people of all natures living in the world of havoc to join in union.
Peace in true definition is a quietness of the mind. If the mind requires quietness then it is up to you to shut up the argumentation that goes on between the emotions, subconscious, and conscious mind.
The subconscious mind has goodies waited inside, and it is up to you to hunt them down and find it. Once you make contact with your subconscious, you will be surprised what comes out. To do this, it takes skill, effort, patients, long-suffering, and the ability to find your way out of havoc and into inner peace.
Quietness of the mind means there is no area for suffering, pain, and was obtained will go to lengths to remain in tact from the chaos.
During your time searching for inner peace, you will need to learn how to liberate the mind. Liberating the mind means, you are willing to give all your guilt, prejudices, shame, lies, negative thoughts, and other harmful thinking to God and let go for life.
Once you reach this agreement with self then you will feel peace within your being and once you gain this feeling continue to let go and fight for your inner peace.
Well, we are nearing the end now of this article. I hope that you have learned from this work, since peace is everything, and like you, I want inner peace for everyone. This brings us to another point. We cannot control others; therefore, we must learn to control self. When you spend time controlling others you are burning up energy that could be utilized to find and save your inner peace.
Asking questions will bring forth light. Thus, finding inner peace means that you must learn to communicate with self. Once you learn the strategies of communication, or the creativity of communication you will have the tool you need to move along without stumbling along the way. Do you believe what I said in the last few words of the sentence? If you think, you are not going to stumble along the way to finding inner peace, stop and read this article again.