Many of us hate dating for all the trouble it involves. You never know what kind of person will your date be? You have some clues, but as you know more about him/her, your enthusiasm dips. You had never asked for such a dating partner. There is nothing common between both of you and as you have more dates, you start thinking that you don’t like this person. He/she may not be well groomed, or may be always coming late, talking few things that you don’t understand and this all creates confusion in your mind.
How do I say no now and begin with another date. The same process has to be repeated. It all is so tiring. In the beginning, we are full of enthusiasm, but after few experiences, the enthusiasm wanes. Tiredness takes over us. Let me forget dating for a while and focus on my career/studies. This dating frustrates me totally. I would rather live alone and do better. I am tired and confused. You may not alone thinking all this. This situation is not very uncommon.
Can one stop dating altogether? Very few can do that. We need a partner to fulfill us. We need somebody to share the life. The loneliness can be worse. What is to be done? If you are encountering repeated failures, please give yourself a break for few days. Think about what all went wrong. Whether your choices were wrong or your expectations were not clear to you? Find out more about what you want and how can you attract someone who has those qualities. Forget the past failures. Clean the slate and restart.