Have you ever wondered why you may still feel miles away from living the life you so deeply desire? You have been taking inspirational workshops, reading self-development books, and attending church and hearing The Word in all of its power, yet it still feels like God’s promise is on the other side of a glass window you can’t seem to get through? Yes, you’ve experienced success, but you know God has something much bigger for you, you just can’t quite figure out how to get from here to there. It’s time for you to open up to your Mansion MindsetTM!.

John 14:2 reminds us that “In My Father’s house are many mansions,” yet many of us are only living in apartments, condos, and houses. While a mansion allows you to be clear about where your mind currently is in developing the fullness of the Mansion Mindset God intended for you, it goes far beyond wealth and material possessions to unlocking God’s promise for your life in all areas. While you might hear the word, “mansion” and think of a large home, I want to open the bounds of your mind to fully grasp what it is God has for you.

A mansion, by definition, is at least 7,000 square feet and is built by an architect exclusively for you. I found record of 60,000 square foot mansions on 300 acres of land. Mansions are more than just one large building, they are villas or estates with everything from ballrooms, multiple kitchens, game rooms, theaters, sun rooms, morning rooms, breakfast rooms, pantries, countless bathrooms and bedrooms, gymnasiums, arts and crafts rooms, staff living space, and of course, an extensive library. And these are just the typical rooms. There are also sewing rooms, packing rooms, boathouses, guest houses, and drawing rooms.

Can you just feel your mind expanding? What rooms do you need in your mansion? What do you need God to provide for you so you can carry out the fullness of His vision for your life? I need a spa and my own beauty salon. I need a helicopter landing pad to take me to my private jet so I don’t have to worry about traffic as I go to my international speaking engagements. My daughter needs her own classroom so we can bring a tutor in any time she needs additional help in school. Where is your mind in conceiving what God can do for you?

Forget what your world looks like today and allow yourself to faithfully imagine what it could be like if only you could take the limits off of God. The mansion I have on my vision board is 12,000 square feet and I realized that I was still containing what I thought God can do for me. S-T-R-E-T-C-H. 15,000 square feet. S-T-R-E-T-C-H. 20,000 square feet. S-T-R-E-T-C-H. 60,000 square feet. Yes, that is the size I need to have the overnight rooms for my guests who will be attending my seminars and the auditorium that will be on my property for my speaking engagements. S-T-R-E-T-C-H. I can see breakout classrooms and a dance hall for after-hours entertainment for my guests. S-T-R-E-T-C-H your mind and allow yourself to see it, feel it, taste it. What do you believe God for?

It’s time to release the lies and small thinking from your past that have held you back from really living your vision. “Why you?” You may ask…”Why NOT you?” And don’t stop at just one mansion. God has many mansions for you if you would only believe in Him. Believe that He will provide for you if you step out on faith and begin to bring forth His divine work in your life. Believe that He will bless you with a life partner who aligns with all God has called you to do and evokes the King or Queen in you. Believe God beyond what you have ever allowed yourself to believe him for in the past. He will show up…if you just believe.

Once you commit to living God’s vision for your life, to clear out the old from your heart, and to develop your Mansion MindsetTMyou are literally unstoppable. If you are ready to develop and achieve your Mansion MindsetTM, here are some steps for you to follow:

  1. Write down your vision on $79 tablets. Make it specific. What color? How big? How much?
  2. Find images that represent your vision and post them on a bulletin board on a wall that you look at everyday.
  3. Identify habits, words, doubts, and fears that you’ve allowed to hold yourself back. Make a list of them and rip it up, promising yourself that you will do all you can to never allow those things in your life again.
  4. Confess to God that you really don’t know how to do this and ask Him to show you the way. Surrender the fear. Submit to His Call.
  5. Create Visionary Office Hours, stick to them, and get to work taking daily action steps to change your life.
  6. Practice opening your mind to your first Mansion. Then open up to your second, third, etc. Keep stretching what you will believe God for. Give Him room to work in your life!
  7. Watch your words! Speak only of those things, feelings, moods you want more of. Stop speaking forth brokennes, doubt, fears, and lack. You will draw that which you speak to yourself.

Before you know it, it will be your season of harvest and you will manifest your Mansion MindsetTM!

Have a blast working it and let me know what springs forth!

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