Although Pathfinder focuses on generating money, this lesson covers one of the biggest misconceptions we have about money: if we make more money, we’ll be better off. It doesn’t matter how much money we make, but rather how we spend and save it. Take two Pathfinder clients as examples: Client A worked at Home Depot making $30,000 a year and had his finances in order and spent less money than he made. He was financially free. Client B was a doctor making $250,000 a year and was financially upside down; as he received salary increases, he’d incrementally spend the increase and more.
The more people make, the more they spend. Being upside down financially affects every aspect of your life: family, marriage, leisure activities, emotional health and the list goes on. Whether you earn a salary of $50,000 and you spend $55,000 or if you’re organized and have your finances in a row—there’s always room for improvement and new information to learn.
Purpose of the Pathfinder Program:
- Learn how to get out of debt completely (including your home mortgage in nine years or less)
- Improve your relationships
- Pay up to 50 percent less taxes each year
- Learn how to make a smooth transition into retirement
- Establish lasting wealth for generations to come