Let’s talk about winners and losers in the game of love and succeeding with women.

Do you know what the difference is between the guys who are winners and losers? The guys who are winners with women do the things losers don’t want to do to take action to meet, attract, and seduce women.

While you probably know the importance of a relationship or even might be looking for that special someone, there are times when you only want to get laid.

That’s why it’s important to know how to seduce women.

Without seduction, you have little chance of having sex.

Guys who succeed with women don’t just think about it, they take action to meet and attract women. They do what it takes! When they see a woman they are attracted to, they pull the trigger. They don’t procrastinate, stall, ponder, or make excuses; they approach her right then and there. They don’t put it off.

Now many guys understand the importance of seduction, but they don’t know where to start. In fact they’ve probably found that it can be quite difficult to transition from a date to “getting it on” with a woman.

If you’re one of these guys, then I don’t have to tell you that it’s frustrating to like a woman but have no clue about how to seduce her.

But allow me to let you in on a little secret…

Women like sex as much as we do!

While they pretend to be seduced, they actually probably have as much desire for sex as any man. However they’re fairly selective about the manner of their sexual encounters.

Always remember that to have that woman you want, you have to do whatever it takes. Also, nothing in your love and sex life will change until you begin to do something about it.

Don’t be too talkative. More importantly, don’t keep talking about you self all the time. The idea is to seduce a woman not fill her with the most intimate details about yourself. Stop talking about office politics or your family. You may be from the blue blooded dynasty, but the dynasty isn’t going to help you seduce a woman. It might impress her but not necessarily seduce her. Give her some space and let her talk too. You should be indisputably fascinated with her. If you are ready to talk to her and listen to you, 99% of the time, she will surely respond to you.

It’s like anything in life, the fact that she makes you nervous is just an instinct that your brain stimulates when excited, it’s a GOOD feeling, you just need to learn how to control and use that feeling to your advantage and against hers… don’t worry she know you are nervous, and the test of how you communicate that is half the battle… Let those nerves working for you to melt any women you choose.

For instance, women don’t like to make the first move. Instead they want to be pursued and desired by men. In essence this means you have to have the courage and forwardness to become a seducer of women.

Even if a woman is really into you, sex won’t happen unless you make the first move. That means if she’s into you there’ll be little resistance to your seduction techniques.

To go from meeting a woman to having sex, you have to plan every single escalation point and what you’ll do to make it happen. By knowing how to navigate through this process, you’ll discover that seduce women is fairly easy!

My advice for planning out your transitions is to write down all the times where you encounter a roadblock or stopping point. In order to progress past this point, you have to identify the specific action you need to take.

So think of this moment and how you’ll handle it!

Some examples could include getting a woman’s number, setting up a date, initiating physical contact, kissing her and then finally seducing her.

You should attempt to do something special. Watch a movie, take a walk or have dinner at the place where you first met. There are so many small things that you can do to become creative, just go with the flow and seduce the woman of your dreams.

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