Employment opportunities for flight operations personnel are often available through a major airline or with a regional carrier. On the other hand, the best opportunity for pay and independence is typically found through a private jet operator. Let’s look at some sources that can help you find work.

Aviation Employment Board – A free site, this forum features job opportunities across the range of business and commercial aviation. Registration is free and you can post your resume for free as well.

Hot Jobs – Owned by Yahoo, Hot Jobs is job site listing numerous opportunities at any given time. Aviation opportunities are limited, however. Registration is free and you can post your resume for free as well.

Climb to 350 – One of the largest aviation sites on the internet, Climb to 350 lists an variety of opportunities including flight operations positions. Annual fee is $105, however the site sometimes runs specials where the charge drops to $49 for a one year subscription. Visit www.climbto350.com for more information.

NBAA – The National Business Aviation Association is the foremost organization representing private jet operators. If you are a member of the NBAA – annual dues are generally assessed at $350 per person or organization – then you have access to the association’s job board which lists opportunities generally not found elsewhere.

Other sites listing flight operations positions include: Aviation Jobs Online, Skyjobs, AvCrew, AEPS, and JS Firm. Belonging to more than one paid site is usually a waste of money as virtually all the paid sites share similar job opportunities.

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