Finding employment as a flight technician can be especially challenging for some as the opportunities are fairly limited depending on your current residency and your willingness to relocate. At the same time there are a number of resources available to you at your fingertips to help you in your quest to find work. The following are some of the resources that I have found helpful in tracking down opportunities …you may too!
Direct Contact – It goes without saying that contacting a particular company directly is the best way of determining if they utilize flight technicians and whether they currently have an opening. Of course, this can be a long and drawn out process as this method becomes a literal roll of the dice. Still, it is an important part of the entire job search process.
NBAA F/A Committee — The National Business Aviation Association [NBAA] is an important voice for business aviation. Their Flight Attendant Committee is not just concerned with corporate flight attendants, but they also are a voice for business flight technicians. The NBAA is an excellent place to network; in addition, you can apply for a scholarship to help you keep up with your training. Visit for more information.
Job Sites — An internet search will reveal many job sites that list opportunities for flight technicians from time to time. Before joining a paid site check out the national job sites including Monster, Yahoo, and Hot Jobs for opportunities. As for the paid sites they include: Air Jobs Daily, AviaNation, Climb to 350, AEPS, Plane Jobs, Jet Jobs, Parc Aviation, Flight Deck Recruitment, and others. Recruiting companies include: JSFirm, Turner Services, API, and Aerotek. Finally, there are a bunch of sites that do not charge you for registration, so your search for work with them is free. Try: Flite Jobs, Nation Jobs, Aviation Employment, and the Aviation Employment Board at for current openings.
Corporate Flight Attendant Community — This privately owned site lists opportunities primarily for business flight attendants, however when opportunities for flight technicians become available they are listed here as well. This active site is free to join and all opportunities are listed right on the forum. Visit for more information.
Of course, a part of any well thought out job search includes the marketing of your name and skills. Conferences, seminars, airport events, and corporate open houses are all excellent opportunities for you to present yourself to potential employers. Becoming a member of the NBAA or Professional Aviation Maintenance Association [PAMA] can go a long way in helping you to establish yourself in this highly competitive, but rewarding field. Be resourceful and start working on your self promotional plan today!