If I have learned anything in my thirty years of being a career counselor, it is that spending your life doing a career that you do not love is a waste of time. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that choosing the wrong career for you could be one of the most serious mistakes a person can ever make. Getting accurate career information is hugely important because of this.

Think about it. You will spend thirty or more years of your life working full time. That is a really long time to spend doing something that you do not absolutely love. The thing I hate seeing most is people who feel like they are tied in to a profession that they hate. I became a career counselor to help solve this problem. I love working with college students giving them proper career information that helps them to make informed decisions about career choices.

One of the most important ways to enter a career wisely is to inform yourself with accurate career information. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you discover the truth about any profession you are thinking of entering. The worst thing you can do is enter a career blindly. So take time and find ways to get career information about the careers you are considering.

One of the quickest ways to get career information is to make a meeting with a career counselor like myself. Meet with someone who is knowledgeable about many careers and who will help you find a career that fits well with who you are and with what you value. Whatever career you choose, it must be connected to something you value. It is a terrible thing to get up for work in the morning and realize that you could care less about your job and that it has no real value to the rest of the world.

You can also find great career information by doing an internship or by visiting different careers that interest you. For example, if becoming a teacher interests you, try helping out in a teacher’s classroom for a few weeks and see if it is something you’d really enjoy. You will be so glad that you took time to try something before you made a commitment to it. After all, you cannot afford to keep changing your mind about careers and end up unhappy in the process.

Get career information and be one step closer to having a career that excites you and that fits your dreams and values. There is nothing better than that.

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