There are many reasons and many different kinds of people that join the alcoholic anonymous groups in their area. There are some that only go to meeting because they were told to and there are many that go to all the meeting because they want to. No matter what the reason on why you are going to the alcoholic anonymous meeting in your area, you are going to end up with something good out of it. That is only one thing that the people that are involved with the alcoholic anonymous groups are going to be able to do for some of its members.
There are many more reasons why there are people that will join the alcoholic anonymous groups beside the fact that they are going to get at least one thing out of it. Some will join alcoholic anonymous so that they are going to be able to get some real help with a drinking problem that they have come to realize that they have. If you know someone that does have a drinking problem, you may want him or her to join up with alcoholic anonymous groups. But the reality is that is they are not going to admit that they have a drinking problem then the alcoholic anonymous group is not going to be able to help them out until they are willing to admit that they have the problem.
If you really want someone to admit that they have a drinking problem then you are going to need to find a way to make them realize that they have a problem first. That is the only way that the alcoholic anonymous group is going to be able to help them out. You may be able to get them to realize that they have a problem is by making some kind of a mark or even a tape of how they are acting and how much they are drinking so you will be able to shoe them the problem that they are having with the drinking.
Once you or your family member is admitting that they have a problem with the drinking, you are going to be able to get them into one of the alcoholic anonymous groups that are in your area. Then you know that they are going to get the help that they are in need of or their addiction to the alcohol with the help of the alcoholic anonymous group that they are seeing. In addition, another good thing about the alcoholic anonymous is that all the people stay anonymous unless they are ready to let people know who they are. The alcoholic anonymous group is not going to pressure you to doing something that they want you are going need to get thru this at your own pace so you can kick the drinking habit.