In NLP one choice is no choice 2 is a dilemma three is free choice

Double binds are tools that can give them a false sense of choice on the outcomes which are all beneficial for you. They may mean the same thing just phrased differently. Or different choices but all lead out the same path. The purpose to give the illusion of choice in decision points in a presentation.

One Caveat. Realize that the audience anytime can choose an option outside of your design which is why the decision points must be covered well, with well presented, well designed alternatives.

You can set up as many double binds as you appropriate , and the more there is, the more equipped you are to swerve the outcome your way.

You can layer in double binds within double binds to further to enhance the illusion of choice and to give variety. Sub-choices within sub-choices etc. With the example below, all the choices(d to i) end in a date .

You can go home watch tv and wish you were with me instead (a), eat alone but wishing instead were out dining(b), take out the trash instead of us partying (c)

OR you can just let go of all that and right now(d) or tomorrow at 7(e),maybe even on Saturday (f)

Just go out with me to dinner(g),maybe go dancing afterwards (h) before or after we spend time down at the beach(i)

As you may have also noticed, the choices also covered the not so favorable alternatives (a to c). We can choose to ignore them or instead plug into them(adding our own twists) which makes the other options more attractive.

Worse comes to worse a whole set of options will be presented or offered if we decide to push the date.

Ok you win, we can just order X or Y or Zfood and do Karaoke or watch a DVD of A or B or Cmovie instead? Wait we can do that myplace or yours? 7 or 8?

All of these have one outcome. A DATE, phrased several different ways giving the woman a false sense of choice(s)

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