Do you have a desire to spend more time giving to others but you don’t know where the time is going to come from? Have you tried several time management approaches all of which gave limited results or didn’t last beyond a few weeks or days? I had the same problem and so did my friend David.
David Perdew has just written a new book called “Bad Dad: 10 Keys to Regaining Trust”, is developing and teaching an online course, makes time for his family, and works a full-time job. Some students in his class have recently stated they don’t know how he does it all. I recently talked with David about his “secret.” It was no surprise that he has learned what I have.
You need to determine what your values and life purpose are and then spend your time doing those things that are most important to fulfilling them. Everything else should be delegated to someone else or not done at all. If giving to others is high on your list of values, you will make the time to do it more and feel great about it.
I spent the energy to determine my values and life purpose in my mid-forties. Some people might think I was going through a mid-life crisis (or man-o-pause as my friend Nick would call it). You are never too young or old to take your life purpose seriously.
The following two books were very useful to me and I highly recommend them both:
- “The Power To Be Your Best” by Todd Duncan
- “The Purpose-Driven Life” by Rick Warren
If you don’t know your life purpose at this point in your life, you need to take the time to discover it. It will be a life changing experience.