Insomnia is a sleeping disorder which prevents one from sleeping for extended periods of time or it can even prevent a person from being able to fall asleep altogether. Insomnia can be caused by diet, stress, drugs or alcohol and even certain feelings such as fear or dread. Sometimes, people suffer from insomnia because they simply have an overactive mind or sometimes people cannot sleep because of other physical reasons, such as excruciating pain. Whatever it is, to cure this sleeping disorder problem, it is important to understand exactly what is causing it.
Is It Something You Been Doing?
The first thing you should do if you find yourself lying in bed, unable to fall sleep is to determine whether there is something you are doing throughout the day that may be causing insomnia. For example, if you drink coffee up until nine o’clock at night, you may need to look no further as to what’s causing your sleeping disorder. Caffeine, especially at night, is a huge culprit behind this sleep preventing disorder. There are also certain foods that can keep you wide awake. If you’re not sure about your diet that may be causing your disorder, do your research or talk to a dietitian. Having that last cup of coffee could be costing you hours and hours of necessary rest and relaxation that you deserve.
If you are on some kind of medication, ask your doctor if the drug you’re taking is causing your insomnia. Some illegal drugs also cause insomnia, especially amphetamines or uppers. Alcohol, can also cause this sleeping disorder. It all comes down to monitoring exactly what is going into your body system. Very often, it’s what you’re consuming that is causing your insomnia.
Of course, if you have some challenging deadline and you’re under a lot of stress or you are dealing with some sort of extreme guilt or even if you’re really afraid of something, these, too, can cause insomnia.
However, if you are stress free (envy), besides the fact that you’re stressing that you can’t sleep, try an experiment. Try eating different foods or try eliminating certain things from your daily diet. If you suddenly find yourself sleeping like a baby, then you’ve found your culprit. The key is to listen to your body. Your body needs sleep to recharge and you need sleep so that you’re not such a bear to your co-workers in the morning. Do yourself a favor and find out what’s causing your insomnia today.