The creation of the Internet has changed the way we gather information and the way we do business. While previously requiring a wired connection to access the web, new wireless and satellite advancements have brought the Internet out of the office and into the hands of consumers. Top makers of cell phones and PDAs have now begun implementing Internet browsing capabilities into these “go-anywhere” wonders of technology. With this in mind, businesses may be changing their minds on the budgetary restrictions for their marketing expenditures.

Search Engine Marketers know that some of the most important pieces of real-estate today exist online. Having the top listings on Search Engine results pages means more impressions and click-throughs for your business. Bidding wars have existed for years regarding coveted spots on sponsored search results subsections of engines such as Google and Yahoo!. These eye-tantalizing locations could be in even higher demand with the expansion of mobile Internet technology.

When browsing, or more specifically searching, on a web-enabled mobile device, limited screen size and scrolling difficulties hinder the user from seeing the same number of search results as on a normal PC. This makes it virtually impossible for a business with a 7th ranked page, for example, from being seen by potential customers. For instance, using the XV6700 SmartPhone from Verizon Wireless, a mere five complete search results can be seen on Google. This includes the sponsored results, leaving only 3 or 4 natural results to be seen by the mobile user. While future viewing options will certainly be improving on such devices, there are limits to the size screen a person would be willing to slip into their pocket or handbag.

This reality can be quite disconcerting to those businesses that have spent thousands to have their site optimized for search engine listings. Certain keywords for each industry are in high demand and becoming one of the top three natural listings on a page of search results can be challenging. More and more companies today are offering marketing solutions resulting in higher search listing results and a more broad reach for a clients business information. With the popularity of web-capable mobile devices on the rise and the subsequent decrease in price that comes from a competitive market environment, these online marketing firms may be receiving more business in the near future.

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