Do you want to go to college? Help the community? Start a business?

Do you wish there were a way to improve the quality of life of your community?

Have you ever said, “I really wish this could happen, and I know I can make it work, but I just don’t have the money”?

The United States is a country built on Opportunity, and people who have come here in pursuit of the American Dream. The government knows that…and supports that.

Every year, the United States government releases billions of dollars of grant money to be given to deserving organizations and individuals.

Jumpstart your business!

A large portion of it, at least $30 billion dollars, are given to entrepreneurs to provide free business assistance. These are coursed through 80 government agencies, who not only release the checks, but provide valuable advice and information to assist and evaluate the projects. That’s money and financial counseling from experts—for free!

Jumpstart your career!

The US government also grants student grants both for undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Now you can complete your research project, publish that academic paper, and earn the respect of the academic community. Now you can take that college course, get your degree, and secure the career and the lifestyle that you’ve always dreamed of.

Help your community!

The US government grants are also used for community development projects. Have you ever wanted a center where children can safely play? Or a school for young single mothers who need to finish their degree or learn vocational skills to support their family? Present your idea, and you may get the money to make a real difference in your community.

The Government releases these funds through over 3,000 private and government agencies. The question is how do you know where to go, what do you need to do to apply for the money, and what’s the best strategy so you can actually have your request approved?

With millions of people applying for government funding, and stricter budget measures making it more difficult to qualify for the money, it’s important to position your project or business in a particular way.

You don’t just send an email to a government agency. You have to do this carefully, systematically, using tips and strategies from people who know the grant process inside out.

Find out who to approach.

Most grants are coursed through a strict screening process which determines if your request “matches” the requirements and objectives set by the agency that handles the money. The worst thing you can do is to send your grant to the wrong organization.

Structure your proposal in an irresistible manner.

Organizations wade through thousands of proposals a week. How do you make yours stand out? What information are they looking for, what standards do they apply, and how do you package yourself or your company so that you will look like an ideal candidate?

Discover your needs and options.

What kind of grant do you need? How much? And is a government grant the best way to get funding? There are other ways of securing investment; find out if a grant can meet your requirements, or if you fail to secure one, what other opportunities are open to you.

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