Singles and Holidays don’t always mix. That’s why
learning how to survive and thrive during the
holiday season is an important thing for singles
to learn. Since holidays are marketed for
families, singles that are alone are often made
to feel like outsiders crashing a party. Talk
about the holiday blues!

As Christian single women and men dreading yet
another holiday season alone, you’re probably
struggling or thinking about:

We all know that Christmas can be tricky when it
comes to dating. On the surface; it seems the
ideal time to find that special someone, what
with office parties, social get-togethers and
strategically hung mistletoe (keep it clean lads).
Yet Christmas is also a season tarnished by
novelty knitted jumpers, Santa socks, loud ties,
sparkly bauble earrings and flashing badges (and
by flashing we mean lights!) On with the snow,
the winter weather is renowned for drying out the
skin, so make sure you don’t snow on your dream
date this Christmas!

Festive cheer… Smile! Remember to keep up your
spirits as winter approaches.

New Year’s Eve ranks up there as being one of the
top three loneliest nights of the year if you are
alone, and not by choice. But don’t worry —
while it may be a well kept secret — the truth
is, most singles are either home alone or staying
in with family. That said, if you are home alone,
don’t despair, these tips are for you:

But if none of this will make you feel better you
have another opportunity:

The biggest advantage of online dating is wide
choice. How do you normally find a suitable
person to date – through friends or family?
Somebody known to someone you know. Otherwise,
you have to look to date unknown people offline,
for example in a club. But that is risky, because
you know nothing about each other and the very
first encounter is direct.

With online dating, you get a very wide choice.
Leaving aside few cheats, you can identify some
suitable persons who can be dated by you provided
they are ready. You get to know about their
profession, likes and dislikes and preferences
for a dating partner. That gives you a lot of
information about them. With further
correspondence, you can find out more. And if you
are careful and alert, you should be able to
identify liars amongst them. But even after that,
you get a much bigger choice. Now you are not
dependent only on friends and family, but you can
target a lot many totally unknown people who can
be dated by you.

According to a yahoo, Personals Survey, 40
percent of single women are asking Santa to bring
them someone to marry in the next year, while 38
percent of single men are just hoping to get a
hot date for New Year’s Eve. More than 1,000
single people from across the country offered
insights into their wish lists for holiday party
dates, meeting the parents, celebrity mistletoe
encounters and more.

Willing to go solo?

While 86 percent of singles are willing to go to
a holiday party alone, nearly half (43 percent)
admitted that it’s sad to be single during the

Singles in the Midwest are the most likely to
stay home if they don’t have a date to a holiday

Are you feeling down about being single this
holiday season and wishing you could just go into
suspended animation till January 1st… or make
that February 15th? You are not alone, because
there are a lot of men online that are waiting to
know you better. You will have an absolutely
great time and you may find the special one.

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