Forget about the old-fashioned, outdated postcards with their yellow tinges and jagged edges. Today’s professional postcards have them beat a thousand times over! Bright colors that create high impact, clip art the jumps off the page, and quality design spell out new, modern and cutting edge marketing tools.

The great thing about the postcard is that even with all of its high tech construction, it still carries a personal, easy-to-read message that will produce results!

Everytime you go to the mailbox, you get more junkmail than REAL mail, right? Sure we all do. We stand at the trash can, mentally label each envelope as something to look at or something to pitch, and that’s that. Advertisements hidden by envelopes never even get opened. Postcards, on the other hand blare their message loud and strong with a quick glance. No need to go through the hassles of opening them.

What does this have to do with Internet marketing and your Website? Think about it… how do most Internet marketers go about driving more traffic to their site? Yeah, of course… they use Internet marketing techniques.

Postcards are an age old method of marketing that most Internet marketers are overlooking. They’ve been proven to be one of the most effective of all advertising mediums, why not use them to send customers to your Website?

A 4 x 5 postcard costs less than 10 cents, is less expensive to send than ads in an envelope and carries a strong impact. They’re easily tacked on the refridgerator or in an office cubicle as a reminder to the busy readers who want to visit your site, but don’t have the time right away.

Postcards are inexpensive, personal, simple and guarantee 100% exposure to your audience. You can’t find a marketing tool that will produce a better rate of return… try it and see. Get one over on your competitors who are missing out on the best advertising tool on the market!

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