Known by many who’ve found help with criminal investigations, missing persons, healing treatments and much more, psychics have been reported to possess many abilities, as noted by research presented by the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), a non-profit organization in the United Kingdom, founded in 1882, boasting more than 5,000 members and average revenues of 5.2 million pounds each year. One of the skills of some psychics is the abilities to activate or enhance the psychic ability of others and is actually being auctioned at eBay® so that others can benefit regardless of their location and circumstance.
“I am a psychic medium with Osmosis and that allows me to activate others as psychics, too,” said Ms. Malina Havard, AKA M or Mo, abbreviated nicknames from her younger brother.
Malina believes that believes everyone has psychic abilities and she wants to give back and help others through what she refers to as “Christ Consciousness,” empowering others to grow stronger and develop their own special abilities and talents. She works with people all over the world, and one person who recently received her help long-distance, described his experience with her:
“I want to thank you for your psychic journey to me while I was on a dangerous mission in Iraq. I felt you there with me and it was like a very vivid dream. It briefly took me away from the chaos and provided me with comfort in my affliction and greatly helped me. Your ability to contact me in a dream and bring me into a peaceful room far away from the war, chaos and fighting was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.
It was there that you laid your hands on me in a healing manner and gave me comfort. Your soft-spoken, calming words of encouragement allowed me to continue a very difficult task during the following days. The psychic predictions and intuition that you provided me with about my situation helped immensely. Your talent and gifts from God are a blessing to mankind. Thank you again.”
- Letter of appreciation from MA2 Miller, USN
Malina reaches out through eBay’s huge network of interactive visitors to help anyone in need with a variety of services. Some of the ways she has helped others are through in-depth psychic readings and tarot card readings, mediumship, intuitive counseling, psychometry (ability to touch an object and get information about who handled it), picture readings , predicting love matches, clairvoyance (seeing pictures or images), clairsentience (picking up on feelings) , clairaudience (psychic hearing) , tarot readings via email, mail or chat room and individual or group sessions.
“Malina is a great psychic and such a multi-dimensional being with so many talents and gifts to share with the world,” Deva, another client of Malina’s. “I think it’s a good idea to go on EBay and work with people and empower them. She teaches them how to fish, rather than giving them a fish. She is such a great rebel (in a good sense). I can see that she will really make a difference and “bust” all the established belief systems, including the “New Age” ones!”
More About Mo
Mo is an indigo child, a child born with an indigo-hued aura with special psychological and spiritual attributes, from Cleveland, Texas. She is not only an open channel, but also has the characteristics of a psychic medium who is clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient. And she has the ability to astral travel and take part in soul journeys to places unknown.
Her rates range start with very low introductory specials so that everyone can afford to get started with help.
“This is very affordable, (I charge much less on eBay that I do on my web site), and those people that are open to the entire process can’t help but feel the abilities in their body when I am doing this,” explained Malina. “That is my effort at removing some of the doubt that some people WANT to have when someone steps up with something new or just unheard of. Some people who don’t have a solid connection need to doubt and that’s okay, but I refuse to doubt this process. It’s proven itself, tried and true, even when I wasn’t aware of it!”
Some of the ways Malina’s abilities can help people are to:
• Sense whether or not a couple is a good match
• Step into another’s situation (as invited) to bring change or predict what can/will happen to someone else
• Predict babies’ sex, after certain the pregnancy exists
• Predict death of loved ones, so coping is easier
• Give advice on opportunities and challenges
• Read other people in a client’s life and make accurate predictions
• Gain information about a person who has simply handled an object
• Detect, describe and communicate with your deceased loved ones
• Receive/relay messages from others to her client, and for her clients to others
• Offer detailed descriptions of what she sees
• Validate – verify that this matches what the client has, know, feel, have encountered, as well as others who might happen into the reading
• Help others examine their options
• To help with understand the inner self, life, the big picture
• Get a clearer view of another’s future
Clearly there are many everyday instances where a psychic can help with important issues and matters. And by taking advantage of a wonderful shopping experience online form anywhere, 24/ 7, it’s easy to see why eBay® offers such an excellent outlet for hooking up with psychic help.
“Having a psychic around us is ONE thing; something new and unusual and not your everyday occurrence. But having a psychic that goes around living so close in our lives in order to bring about change, or to offer guidance or protection to any of our situations, is something ELSE entirely! Malina’s the best!!” T. Doss, believer and client of Malina.