I’m proud to say that I have voted in every election since my eighteenth birthday. I’m not proud to say I have not always been an informed voter. So many issues, this candidate promises that, that candidate promises this. It’s enough to drive you crazy.However voting is the most important duty an American citizen has.
Voting. It’s how we make our voices heard. It’s how we tell our elected officials what we want the giovernment to do for us. It’s what government by the people, for the people and all that is about.
When I was younger I tried to be a moderate. I tried to listen to each candidate and judge his or her sincerity. I tried to pick the best “man” for the job.
Now I’m older and I’ve come to a realization. People lie to get elected. The “man” will say what ever it takes to get my vote.”He” will say what ever it takes to win my trust and when elected “he” only listens to his own party.
Now I know. Now I finally realize. It’s not the “man” that’s important. It’s the party. Democrat, republican or even the green party that’s important.
Here’s why. The “man” would not be a member of the party if he did not share most of the party beliefs. A hardline conservative is not going to run as a democrat because he knows the party will not support most of what he wants to do. A hardline liberal will not be a republican for the same reason.Birds of a feather flock together because they all fly in the same general direction.
If you are a liberal who votes for the republican because you like his style or the way he speaks or because he’s a local boy what are the chances that he is going to push for national healthcare? If you are a conservative who votes for the democrat because you admire his war record what are the chances he will crack down on illegal immigration?
The “man” will sing and dance and turn back flips to get your vote, but he still owes alligence to the party. His main focus is still going to be the party agenda.
Remember, he’s a member of the party because he believes a lot of what they believe. Birds of a feather. Never mind what the “man” says if you don’t agree with his party don’t vote for him.
Choose the party that you agree with and vote for that candidate. Even if you don’t like him. Once he is in office you can write letters, call his office and call your local party headquarters. Vote for the party and get active in that party. That’s the way our government works.
The American system of government is based on our involvement. Yours and mine. We run things. We don’t simply vote for the best man and hope he will take care of us.
Vote for the party and get active. It’s your duty.