There are two kinds of people when it comes to accountability.
•Those who point their index fingers outward •Those who point their index fingers inward
We all know too well that most people are quick to blame others and slow to take responsibility. They make excuses or tell a long-winded story about what went wrong and why. Obviously these people feel their success or failure is “outside of their control.”
The more powerful belief is that things are within our control. It then follows that we are, in fact, responsible for what happens around us and to us.
I’ve developed a disciplined system that helps people accept accountability. This system breaks down all the components into essential elements. We can develop a less emotional view and a more scientific one.
But before I share that with you, let me take you back a few years in my own life.
In my first career, I was a professional pilot. In the flying business, Captain is the only job to have. But before you can be a Captain, you must first prove yourself as a safe, competent and proficient co-pilot.
(By the way–Here’s a little “behind the scenes” secret info for you. The reason everybody wants to be the Captain? He’s the guy, or girl, who does half the work for 3 times the money.)
Now, why do you suppose the Captain is so well paid for so little work? It’s all because (and this is according to the FAA), no matter what happens on his flight or who does it…HE is held responsible.
As a young man, I was trying to build up my flying time and experience. But, most of the Captains would order me to just sit there, work the radios and “DON”T touch anything else!”
You see the problem here. How in the world was I ever going to learn? How was I going to gain the experience I needed to make captain?
I was really getting frustrated.
Then one day, I had the shocking experience of meeting and flying for Jeff Brinkerhoff, a strong-willed Captain of a Lear 25 Business Jet.
Jeff shouted out…”Hop in the left seat and start ‘er up. I’ll show you how to really fly this thing!”
Talk about transformational experiences…
From that moment, I knew the kind of leader I wanted to be!
So let me ask you…
Are you in the type of sales organization that helps people “Get in the left seat and start ‘er up?”
In other words, do you have the organizational commitment to create Self-Sustained Professionals through providing proven structures for learning and application?