A Simple Tip For When You’re Stressed

This is a fantastic tip from Touch For Health to help you when you’re stressed, angry, anxious or upset. Try holding your frontal eminences. These are bumps on your forehead that many people hold instinctively when they’re upset.

For those of you who don’t do this naturally, let me help you locate them. Feel up from the middle of your eyebrows going towards your hairline. Your forehead comes outwards before it curves back in towards the hairline. Hold your forehead at the …

Whiplash Compensation Claim – Take These Actions

What steps will you take when you wake up the next morning, after a car accident with aches and pains? Some say it’s nothing, some say it’s the bed and some say it’s whiplash, but what do you think?

How To Calculate Your Whiplash Claim

Whiplash settlements can be confusing if you don’t know what to look for? Learn how to calculate your whiplash claim straight from this page.

Accident Claim With A Specialist Solicitor

Over the years accident claims have been diluted with companies profiting millions leaving people confused, not wanting to claim compensation anymore. Discover why that has now changed with specialist solicitors on the scene.