How To Market Your Seminar to Your Local Market
Learn how to get started marketing seminars to promote your local professional business. This article is thrid in a series available on this website or from the author.
What To Say: How to Find Material To Fill Your Seminar or Small Business Management Course
Seminar marketing is one of the most productive and cost-effective ways to build your financial practice! Sponsored seminars are expected to grow 10 to 15% annually for the next decade. Sponsored seminar marketing provides you with a repeatable, systematic marketing process where you can leverage your knowledge.
A Career In Accounting
Accounting is the study of how businesses track their income and assets over time. Accountants do much more than the generic presumptions.
Accountant Resume Tips To Get You the Job That You Deserve!
An accountant resume must highlight important information about your accounting experience, skills and education. This article gives you some ideas of the sort of information that an employer is looking for.
Basically a resume should contain your full name, permanent address