Change Your Story, Improve Your Life

What do you tell yourself and others about your life? Do you paint a picture of your life as happy and optimistic or as somber and sad?

It’s not what happens to us in this life but it is what we do with and about what happens to us in this life. Life is not fair. Never has been. Never will be. That’s just the way it is. So if you don’t like the hand that you’ve been dealt you have a right to complain all you want but that won’t change circumstances and it won’t make it bet…

Us & Them – Why You Should Always Dare To Dream

I remember as a child looking at the big houses and shiny, new cars in the street thinking “Wow! Those people are so lucky!”. As I grew up, I observed how much it seemed so normal to separate “us” – the middle class, from “them” – the wealthy. It never really occurred to me as a teenager to question this, but as an adult chasing my big, grandiose dreams, I have found myself eternally perplexed by the self separation that seems to happen amongst humans.
Why do so many peo…

Visualize And Create!

There is a polarity in everything in life…. happy and sad, rich and poor, fat and thin. It is the contrast and the differences between things that can really help us clarify what we want in life. When it comes to creating your life there is the having and the “not” having.

In order to create what you want in your life you need to focus on what you want, in other words “the having”. If you want money, you need to focus on money. If you want a relationship, focus on having …

What Is Success?

I recently read a thread in a forum in which somebody was dismissive of other people who wrote about success. His argument was that they wrote about success but were not successful themselves.

I made no comment, just smiled as others were diving in to dismiss what was nothing more than a self glorifying remark. To make such a statement he must have had a very narrow minded view of success, presumably relating success to massive wealth. Even on such a narrow, and plainly s…

Dare to Achieve and Discover a Daring New You

Forget Christmas, the New Year is fast approaching and with it comes another 12 months of doing what you’ve always done. Now I’m not sure about you but I know that next year will be different for me.

How to Set Intentions that Energize You

Without a clearcut intention, we’re reactive and don’t get around to doing the important things when we want them done. Instead, we spend our time fighting random fires. Intentions are like the steering wheel on your car. Their whole purpose is to give you control over where you’re going. But how — specifically — will you put your mission into action today? What will you actually DO about your highest intentions?

Advice To Help People To Attain Their Goals In Life

It is important that we set ourselves goals in life, these can be short term, over a longer period of one to five years and also lifetime goals. It is one thing setting yourself these targets, however it is another thing to actually achieve them. In this article I give advice and tips on how to successfully attain the goals you set. These goals when achieved can help to improve our lives and also helps us to become happier and more self fulfilled.

Look Up! – The Power Of Expectations

“We will always tend to fulfill our own expectation of ourselves” – Brian Tracy

As we know, UP is a direction. More importantly, it is a direction that we want to go. The first step in moving UP is to set our sights beyond our current circumstances. Inherent in the definition of UP is that it never stops. There is always one more rung on the ladder, one more battle to fight, one more person to help, and one more analogy to make. So, wherever we are today, we have room to i…