To Ask Or Not To Ask – That Is The Success Question
Dreamers often fail to achieve their dreams because they keep second guessing what they are doing. They ask questions like: “Is this a waste of time?” “Will it work?” “Why are the results so poor?” and so on.
As a result, they act half-heartedly and fail to finish what they have planned. They fail to discover whether their planned action would have worked or not. This article takes a look at whether questions are a help or a hindrance.
Who Determines Your True Worth?
To achieve your true worth, you need a plan (a system) that will assist you in starting, planning and organizing and keeping track of your new adventure. Once started it just takes focus, desire and action on your part to start moving forward. Hesitation or indecision will leave you where you are, but action will assist you in moving forward with your life.
5 Simple Ways to Kick Start Your Goal-Setting
It’s that time of year again where many pause and reflect on the previous year and consider what, if any, changes are needed and appropriate for the new one.