Three Secrets To Getting Everything You Want

Three Secrets to Getting Everything You Want

Those of us who look at things like “getting everything you want” are usually those who don’t have everything we want and know it and feel it – often to the point of pain. Two very painful things in my life started me on this path of trying to get a life I wanted instead of the one I had.

One was a really bad relationship that I lived in daily and didn’t know how to do anything about and the other was a very skewed …

Keep on Track with a Vision Statement

If you saw the movie “Vision Quest” you saw a young man with a vision and he went after it did what was necessary towards his vision. Today we all need a Vision and the best approach is a Vision Statement to assist you in achieving what you deserve.

Building a Legacy: It’s only too late if you never start

Greg Langston is the founder and President of The Langston Group and Greg has been described as a focused visionary leader, a creative strategist, and a gifter presenter. A student of excellence, he runs several businesses and serves as a teacher to life and business coaches as well as executives around the globe.

How To Use An Action Plan

Having a plan and executing that plan are two different things.

Planning is good but it won’t get you anywhere.
Execution is good but without a plan, you won’t get to where you want to be.

I find that many online business owners tend to lean toward one and not the other. Which category do you fall into?

While most people tend toward one or the other, it’s the successful combination of planning and executing that will actually make a business successful. Help yoursel…