A Plan Of Action

A simple equation for a plan of action. Starting the process of attaining a successful life. What you need to know to make positive life altering changes.

All Faith Needs Feet

Faith is a wonderful thing – and very necessary. There are, however, approaches that may look like faith but lead us in risky directions.

Knowledge Or Action?

It’s been said that knowledge is power. While that’s true to an extent, it isn’t the whole truth. Knowledge without action is almost useless.

Motivation By Facing Facts

Some of the greatest truths are the most obvious. But they are also the most overlooked. This article takes a look at the importance of facing the facts and accepting that more usually needs to be done to complete whatever we are doing.

It is very easy to kid ourselves that we have done something or finished something when we haven’t. We need to be motivated by taking a thorough look at whatever we are doing to check that it really is finished and finished well.

The True Price of Success

Standing in the gale-force winds, the kid was looking queasy. We could all see the storm was growing more intense. The rain had already plastered his hair to his forehead and his new black suit was starting to cling to him in ways Mr. Armani never intended. A typhoon was coming — the seventh this summer to hit Japan — and the kid’s job, as newest employee, was to stand in front of a TV camera while the weather buffeted him about for the nation to watch. Sort of a talking weather vane.

There is no place like now.

Most people are so busy running around trying to arrange their lives to be somewhere else; anywhere but here would do. But learning to be grateful can free you from the hypnosis of a culture that’s constantly looking for easy ways to make themselves feel better.

Vision: How Leaders See The Invisible

One of the things that links the great leaders of history with the ordinary leader in the workplace is that both have a vision of what they and their followers can achieve. This article explores how leaders realize their visions.

Activate The Energy Of The Universe For You

There is no such thing like people with a lot of energy and other ones without energy. The difference is that energetic people know how to activate this always available energy. And the low energy people, they block this energy, which is although always available for them too!

What are you really missing out on?

We all long to experience the objects of our desire. Knowing simply isn’t enough. We want to feel and we want to experience. Your world cannot be grasped by contemplation and knowledge alone, but only through action.