The Root Cause and Permanent Solution for an Alcohol or Drug Addiction
This article uses statistics to show how widespread and devastating the alcohol and drug abuse problems are in our society and the need for effective addiction recovery programs. It also shows the basic reason why people use alcohol and drugs, and how a person can become permanently free from them (as the author did 24 years ago after 18 years of use).
I Can’t Stop
You’ve tried everything but that “thing” you are addicted to just won’t go away. So you start looking for external things to solve the problem. I mean things like nicotine patches, self help books, step programs or articles like this one. There is a simple truth you need to understand.
A New Definition Of Drug And Alcohol Addiction And Treatment – Substance Abuse Has No Societal Boundaries
An addict is not considered an addict just because he drinks and drugs too much, nor because his life spirals downwards because of drugs. These are just predictable symptoms of the progressive disease. Perhaps if we had a new definition for addiction, it would not be so difficult to accept that individuals may be suffering from a disease that will eventually destroy their lives.
We have all heard that addiction is a disease, but how do we truly feel about this issue? When …
Addiction: When Gambling Becomes a Problem
This article deals with the problems associated with an gambling addiction. You can read here about the signs, causes and treatment of such problems.
Alcohol Rehab: How Rehab Centers Help Addiction Recovery
Alcohol addiction is a serious disease. Not only can it tear a family apart and lead to financial ruin, it can also lead to the premature death of the alcoholic. Therefore, it is vital for person suffering from this disease to find help immediately. Without help, it is nearly impossible for a person with an alcohol addiction to recover and return to a normal, healthy life.
* Choosing the Right Alcohol Rehab Center
An alcohol rehab center is the best source for a person …
Can you create an Addiction in Someone? Yes!
The power of NLP is that it can be used for good AND bad purposes. Here is how someone can create an addiction in someone.
Drug Rehab: Outpatient vs. Inpatient – What’s The Difference?
When an addict finally decides to seek out the help they so desperately need, they will have two primary types of addiction treatment programs to choose from: inpatient and outpatient. Understanding the differences and similarities of these two programs will help make it easier for the addict and their loved ones to identify which is best for their individual needs.
Similarities Between Inpatient and Outpatient Addiction Treatment Programs
Inpatient and outpatient add…
Drug Rehabilitation Centers: What Are They?
Gloomy hospital corridors and generic treatment programs are things of the past. Addiction is hard enough as it is. People need drug rehabilitation centers that enable complete focus on healing both the mind and the body. Sobriety is only possible when all physical and mental needs are met. Highly personalized care and soothing, naturally rejuvenating surroundings are vital. New rehabilitation philosophies are making drug addiction easier than ever to treat and overcome. “Pro…
How to Deal with gambling Addiction
What to do if someone you care about has a gambling problem
How to Recognize a gambling Problem
Here are some ways to help determine if someone you know has a gambling problem.