Why casinos need 24 hour day care

By requiring casinos to offer daycare they could help save the lives of children of gambling addicted parents, and could help the parents receive help for their addiction.

Beyond Fear And Addiction: Six Steps To Healing

There is a wonderful anachronism for FEAR:


Much of the fear in our lives is based on false evidence.

Our bodies are designed to respond with the fight or flight mechanism to real and present danger – such as being physically attacked. In the face of real and present danger, the adrenaline flows and the blood drains out of our organs and brain and into our limbs to prepare us for fight or flight.

Yet many people spend much of their…

Drug Addiction – Chemical Dependency

Drug addiction or chemical dependency involves regular taking of psychoactive drugs to the point where the user does not have any effective choice with him. The addictive nature of drugs varies from substance to substance and from individual to individual. Often drugs like codeine and alcohol typically require more exposures to addict their users than drugs like heroin and cocaine, which create fast addiction.

Types of drugs

Drugs are something that affects your brain a…

Drug Addiction And Recovery

Several emotional or psychological reasons may drive you into taking drugs. At times it is mere curiosity that propels you to develop an addiction to drugs over time. Drug addiction refers to the compulsive use of psychoactive drugs to such a level at which the user of drugs has no other way out and continues to use it.

Though addiction to drugs like opium have been common since historical times it is in recent times that the problem has been exacerbated significantly. Thi…

Online Counseling – a Timely Happenstance

Think about the time it takes to travel back and forth for a therapy session even when you do manage to schedule one. There is the ever increasing cost of gasoline to contend with too, adding to the stress that might lead you to seek counseling in the first place!

Recovery From Addictions, Part 2

(This is Part 2 of a 5-part series on addiction).

In Part 1 of this series of articles, I defined substance and process addictions, and described the four major false beliefs that underlie most addictions:

1. I can’t handle my pain.
2. I am unworthy and unlovable.
3. Others are my source of love.
4. I can have control over how others feel about me and treat me.

This article addresses the first of these beliefs, and goes into the process of learning to manage your …

Recovery From Addictions, Part 3

People turn to addictions is to avoid the pain of loneliness and fill the empty place inside that really wants to be filled with love. Learn about the beliefs that keep you from accessing the love that will heal addictive behavior.