Success Snippets: Challenging Times
Success Snippts are short paragraphs of inspiration, advice, and insight. This issue deals with staying centred and in balance during life’s adversities with the first paragraph. The second is additional insight to the Never Give Up inspiration and tenacity.
Put Wings on Your Dreams
Dreams are important but they need wings to take you where you REALLY want to be. Discover five ways to put wings on your dreams.
How Do You Deal With Adversity
Human life is fraught with adversity — both physical and emotional — although each person’s experience varies greatly. In order to survive adversity, to overcome loss and difficulty, and to succeed in life a person must have inner resources to draw from.
Facing adversity
Is there any person on this earth who has not faced adversity? Life can be good, but adversities are also part of life. How does one face them with equanimity? It is difficult if the extent of adversity is very high. But one has to live through adversities and come back in life to succeed again. A sudden accident can make one lose limbs. Read on….