7 “Quick Fixes” Every Marketer Needs To Know About

When your profits begin a downhill slide or just seem at a stalemate, you scratch your head and ask a thousand times, “What am I doing wrong?” Well, the truth is that you may not be doing anything “wrong”, but there may be some things you could do to bring about a change.

Choosing The Right Tradeshow(s)

Let’s face it, everybody has exhibited at a tradeshow and at the end of the show said, “I’ll never do this show again”. With the proliferation of trade shows these days, which show do you choose? Well, first of all you don’t just choose one show and let that be your agenda for the year; you plan your schedule strategically. I would suggest, depending on your industry, let’s take manufacturing for example, you choose no fewer than two shows per year and more, if warranted (mor…

Marketing Research Evolves – Paid Surveys Come Of Age

New concepts in advertising proved that purchasing desires could be magnified and shaped by elements beyond mere availability of products. Extended markets allowed greater production of goods and transportation options quickly taught businesses that they needed to know specifics about customers to be able to compete.

Top Five Most Used Pop-Up Displays For Trade Show Exhibiting

When it comes to portable trade show displays the most common type on the market today is the pop-up, expandable-frame style; surprisingly it has been around for over 15 years. The first models had a flexible fiberglass frame with aluminum channels bars and rollable fabric that was attached to the framework with magnets. Over the years the basic design has not changed but the materials, sizes and weights have made pop-up displays less expensive and easier to transport to trad…

Trade Show Giveaways: What Works

You have your trade show exhibit ready to go, the trade show booth is set up, and your product is a winner. Now all you need are the customers. Standing room only, please. Right?

Well, for most trade show exhibitors, attracting customers is just as important as the product they are selling. Enter trade show giveaways! Trade show giveaways are promotionals tools (items, handouts, marketing materials) designed to attract customers, promote business, and help market a product…

11 Proven Ways to Skyrocket Sales

Use these eleven suggestions as a success guide. By following these eleven simple steps, you have the ability to attract more customers and skyrocket your business.