Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 41 )
Before considering further how devotion to duty helps us in our spiritual progress, let me place before you in a brief compass another aspect of what we in India mean by Karma. In every religion there are three parts: philosophy, mythology, and ritual. Philosophy of course is the essence of every religion; mythology explains and illustrates it by means of the more or less legendary lives of great men, stories and fables of wonderful things, and so on; ritual gives to that phi…
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 88 )
Similarly, we find in regard to ourselves that our tendencies are the result of past conscious actions. A child is born with certain tendencies. Whence do they come? No child is born with a tabula rasa — with a clean,blank page — of a mind. The page has been written on previously. The old Greek and Egyptian philosophers taught that no child came with a vacant mind. Each child comes with a hundred tendencies generated by past conscious actions. It did not acquire these in th…
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 47 )
This world is like a dog’s curly tail, and people have been striving to straighten it out for hundreds of years; but when they let it go, it has curled up again. How could it be otherwise? One must first know how to work without attachment, then one will not be a fanatic. When we know that this world is like a dog’s curly tail and will never get straightened, we shall not become fanatics. If there were no fanaticism in the world, it would make much more progress than it does …
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 48 )
Just as every action that emanates from us comes back to us as reaction,even so our actions may act on other people and theirs on us. Perhaps all of you have observed it as a fact that when persons do evil actions, they become more and more evil, and when they begin to do good, they become stronger and stronger and learn to do good at all times.
This intensification of the influence of action cannot be explained on any other ground than that we can act and react upon each …
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 54 )
However much their systems of philosophy and religion may differ, all mankind stand in reverence and awe before the man who is ready to sacrifice himself for others. Here,it is not at all any question of creed,or doctrine – even men who are very much opposed to all religious ideas, when they see one of these acts of complete self – sacrifice,feel that they must revere it.
Have you not seen even a most bigoted Christian, when he reads Edwin Arnold’s Light of Asia, stand in …
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 55 )
To come back to one of our main points,we say that we cannot do good without at the same time doing some evil, or do evil without doing some good. Knowing this, how can we work? There have, therefore, been sects in this world who have in an astoundingly preposterous way preached slow suicide as the only means to get out of the world, because if a man lives,he has to kill poor little animals and plants or do injury to something or some one. So according to them the only way ou…
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 61 )
In addition to meaning work,we have stated that psychologically the word Karma also implies causation. Any work, any action, any thought that produces an effect is called a Karma. Thus the law of Karma means the law of causation,of inevitable cause and sequence. Wheresoever there is a cause, there an effect must be produced; this necessity cannot be resisted,and this law of Karma, according to our philosophy,is true throughout the whole universe. Whatever we see,or feel, or d…
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 62 )
The next question for consideration is what we mean by law being universal. Our universe is that portion of existence which is characterised by what the Sanskrit psychologists call Desha- kala- nimitta, or what is known to European psychology as space, time, and causation. This universe is only a part of infinite existence, thrown into a peculiar mould, composed of space, time, and causation. It necessarily follows that law is possible only within this conditioned universe; b…
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 74 )
The grandest idea in the religion of the Vedanta is that we may reach the same goal by different paths; and these paths I have generalized into four, viz. those of work, love,psychology, and knowledge. But you must, at the same time, remember that these divisions are not very marked and quite exclusive of each other. Each blends into the other. But according to the type which prevails, we name the divisions. It is not that you can find men who have no other faculty than that …
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 75 )
There is to be found in every religion the manifestation of this struggle towards freedom. It is the groundwork of all morality,of unselfishness, which means getting rid of the idea that men are the same as their little body. When we see a man doing good work, helping others, it means that he cannot be confined within the limited circle of “me and mine”.
There is no limit to this getting out of selfishness. All the great systems of ethics preach absolute unselfishness as t…