The Challenge Of Death And Dying: Caring For Aging Parents

The process of dying is one of the great stages of learning of the human soul, often met with fear and resistance, yet even in the presence of these, filled with the growth of the soul in its appreciation of its relationship to life.

There is no one way to experience dying so that it produces the maximum amount of growth. For some, the sense of flow from one aspect of life to another is intuitively felt, even if nothing in the earlier stages of life has been articulated …

The Essence of Happiness

We shouldn’t always wonder and ask what we need to do in order to achieve absolute happiness.

Ten Ways To Use Your Strengths, Gifts, Talents And Abilities In Retirement

I’ve got to be honest with you, the greatest human failing is not being able to judge your own personal strengths, gifts, talents and abilities. In fact, if you’re like most folks, you spend way too much time identifying your weaknesses and spending all your time trying to overcome these imperfections. This is very detrimental to our spirit and totally takes away from your strengths and talents. If you’ve been doing this all your life, now is the time to stop! Being a success…