Structured Settlements And The Power Of Annuities

A structured settlement is a type of financial settlement usually awarded to the victim of a personal injury accident. For example, assume a jury awards the victim damages in the sum of $4 million. Depending on the circumstances, the damages may be awarded as a structured settlement rather than as a lump sum.

The settlement is called “structured” because the initial award ($4,000,000 in this example) is divided up into equal payments that are paid to the victim at precisel…

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Why Your Broker May Not Be Recommending The Most Competitive Annuity

There are over two thousand life insurance companies offering over fifteen thousand different annuities, and they run the gamut from horrific (I wouldn’t offer it to an enemy) to outstanding (I own it myself, and recommended it my parents). Let’s look at how they’re paid and how that can create a conflict of interest that can leave you, the investor, with an inferior annuity and less retirement dollars.

Cash For Structured Settlements – The Smart Way

For most people when they buy a house it is considered their life’s largest deal. In some cases of structured settlements the compensation and financial considerations for a persons life duration and the total present value of the settlement can reach few millions of dollars. Therefore it is strongly advised to use professional services like annuity consultant and a lawyer specialized in this field in order for you to avoid painful costly mistakes. Here are some tips:

– Th…

Can Annuities Help You?

Are you confused about annuities? Not sure what they are and how they can benefit you? We introduce you to the annuity and show you why they may be of interest to you!

Annuities Q&A: Understanding Types Of Annuities

What types of annuities are available?

There are basically two types of annuities — fixed and variable.

A fixed annuity earns an assured interest rate in a definite period of time. If the period of times expires, there will be a new interest rate for the next period.

Variable annuities have more funding options than fixed annuities since their performance depends on the option of investment of the principal and return vary.

What is a tax-deferred annuity?


Annuity Basics

Annuities can be very good things for some of us and a disaster for those of us who have not been made aware of the pitfalls and traps that in turn can easily befall them.

Annuity Transfer – What Are The Risks

Many people who know in the back of their minds that they got the possibility to transform a monthly payment or annuity long term payments into a big lump sum and by that to relieve some temporarily financial problems, or need to buy a new car or a house or help their children and so forth are tempted to exercise this process into action.

Although it is a very natural feeling and sometimes even a real life need or deep inner quest for power and control, it is not in their …

Annuity 101

If a person has a lot of money and decides not to spend it, there are ways of making this grow. One option is keeping it in the bank and letting it grow interest. The other is investing it in the stock market with the help of a financial consultant. This professional will be able to know what stock is worth buying and when is the best time to sell.

Another way of making the money grow especially if the person does not have medical insurance will be in the form of an annuit…

Annuities for Retirees: What to Consider Before You Invest

Investments called annuities are similar to traditional Individual Retirement Accounts and employer-sponsored 401(k) plans in that your money can grow tax-deferred until you withdraw it from your account. However, annuities are complex products and are not appropriate for everyone near or in retirement. Here’s an overview, including things to consider and questions to ask before you invest.