The Spy Who Robbed Me: What You Need To Know About Spyware

The Spy Who Robbed Me: What You Need To Know About Spyware

With the exception of those who are competing in reality TV shows, who wants to be watched? Who wants to be seen in their most vulnerable and private moments? Who wants to be deprived of his privacy and his freedom to keep things for himself?

Some Computer Viruses In History

Computer viruses generally trick hosts or other types of computers into reproducing copies of the invading organism. They spread from computer to computer through electronic bulletin boards, telecommunication systems and shared floppy disks. Viruses are created by human programmers, for fun or malice, but once they begin to spread they take on a life of their own, creating disruption, dismay and paranoia in their wake.

If the virus is found in any of the PC’s that PC shoul…

Several Common Ways That Viruses Spread

In addition to the common methods of spreading through email attachments, boot infections and program infectors, there are other ways by which viruses spread to your computer. These include:

Infection by Disk(Floppy, Zip, CD’s, Tapes, etc.)

Floppy disks, though not as commonly used as in the past, are still a very common way viruses being spread from machine to machine. Anyone with an infected machine, using a floppy disk to copy and save files, can also copy and transf…

Removing Viruses From Your Computer

One of the biggest threats that computer users are facing today is the probability of a virus invasion. It is possible that your own PC might have been infected with a virus that you have downloaded unknowingly from the internet, or copied from other removable storage Medias like floppies or compact discs. While some viruses are capable of doing extensive damage to your system, some may be completely harmless but simply annoying. Whatever the problem is, it’s always best to t…

Guide To Computer Security

Since you’re reading this article, you’re already connected to the Internet. You’ve probably already thought about security on your computer or network. Every day seems to bring new threats and it can seem pretty daunting, but the key thing is to have a common sense approach and to take a few basic precautions.

There are lots of great tools available to help and you don’t have to break the bank to get them. Here are some areas to take a look at:


Securing your…

Computer Virus And Internet Worms Explained

Is your computer sluggish? It won’t open programs and you can’t get into anything? Well, maybe you have a sick computer. Just as people get ill from viruses, so do computers. When this happens, you need to have a computer technician look at the computer to re-format and get rid of the virus. If you know something about computers, you might be able to do this yourself.

What is a Virus?

A virus is a parasitic program written to intentionally enter a computer without the u…