Gratitude Journal: Attracting Abundance And Prosperity By Expressing Appreciation And Gratitude – In Writing.

Keeping a gratitude journal can be a key part of living a happy and prosperous life.

How so? Acknowledging all the things, events, and people we appreciate will quickly get us out of the “whining” mode and right into “happy” mode, increasing our vibration. And with that, we’ll begin to draw more of the things we’re already happy about.

The law of attraction says that whatever we focus on we draw to us. And if you have ever any doubts about that, just give it a try.


Success By Performing Without An Audience – Is Anyone Listening?

To achieve success it can be important to keep going even if no one seems to be appreciating or even noticing what you are doing. Some people are not appreciated until after they have passed on into the next life. Hopefully, it won’t take that long for the rest of us.

The Gratitude Attitude

Gratefulness is a powerful force in the world. When we show gratitude every day for all the good things that we so often take for granted, then we can really claim to have the Gratitude Attitude.

The Difference Between Approval and Appreciation

Having worked with individuals, couples, families and business partners for 35 years, helping them learn to resolve conflict, I have often been faced with the difficulties that occur when people are confused about the difference between approval with appreciation. Have you ever wondered about the difference between approval and appreciation?

Gratitude – Top Ten Reasons to Adopt the LAW of GRATITUDE

An attitude of gratitude brings you peace and overflows to those around you. Gratitude is a natural high. When you live in tandem with your spirit,
appreciating all of life and what you have, you discover more joy and kindness in the world. Miracles happen everywhere all the time, but only those with an “Attitude of Gratitude” seem to notice them.