Asian Playboy : Social Circle Pick Up – Wing Rules

Let’s talk about Social Circle Pick Up for a second.This isn’t particularly addressed in PUAdom because, for real, a lot of PUAs (Pick Up Artists) don’t pursue active social lives, instead concentrating on improving their Game and occasionally hitting the fool’s mate, one night stand and/or f*ck buddy.

Painting Throughout History

Painting is the art of applying pigments to a surface whether it is on paper, canvas, a wall or any other medium, to create an image with lines and colors. The image can represent real objects found around us or imaginary ones.

Comic Books: Our Own Worst Enemy?

A great primer for getting into comic book publishing going over the traps and pitfuls. By 10+year publishing veteran, Mat Nastos of Nifty Comics.

Comic Books: Our Own Worst Enemy?

A great primer for getting into comic book publishing going over the traps and pitfuls. By 10+year publishing veteran, Mat Nastos of Nifty Comics.