Asian Playboy : Social Circle Pick Up – Wing Rules

Let’s talk about Social Circle Pick Up for a second.This isn’t particularly addressed in PUAdom because, for real, a lot of PUAs (Pick Up Artists) don’t pursue active social lives, instead concentrating on improving their Game and occasionally hitting the fool’s mate, one night stand and/or f*ck buddy.

Interracial Dating – Prejudice is Alive and Well!

An examination of what white men put in their personal ads when they are seeking specifically Asian Women. The adverts reveal that racism is alive and well and still a functioning feature of choosing a partner!

Classical Definition of Ghazal

Ghazal ! The word originates from arabic, meaning, “way or mannerism of talking to or talking about women.” Thus in fact it s an expression of love! But in this ever changing world the ghazal has become a reflection of the life around us, and now there is hardly any sphere of human interaction which the ghazal hasn’t touched.