Finding Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude
The words “success” and “positive attitude” should really be considered as synonyms. When it comes right down to it, these two ideas are really just the same thing. If you have success, for example, you will have a positive attitude and if you have a positive attitude, you will surely have success. There really is no difference.
Some people may argue that they have often held a positive mental attitude in the past but things didn’t work out for them. They now feel that pos…
Gratitude Will Improve A Retiree’s Outlook On Life
Thanksgiving week is a perfect time to think about gratitude and to be thankful for the people and the events that have made our lives what they are. But gratitude, practiced daily – all year through – will improve anyone’s outlook on life. When we stop dwelling upon things in our lives that are not perfect or things we’d like to be different, our entire outlook on life changes. Gratitude makes each day better.
There was a wonderful song in one of the great old holiday mov…
How A Regular Joe Made It To The Boardroom
The Joe in question isn’t me. It’s a good friend of mine.
Born in squalor, raised in need, and oppressed by his neighbors, he fought tooth and nail to survive the slums, enter a good university- and now, runs a multitude of companies.
These aren’t your run of the mill single proprietorships. These are mid scale corporations with 100 to 500 dedicated employees. Each one radiates the zest he does.
We had a long talk over Coke Light last night (yep, beer’s no good for p…
How To Reap The Benefits Of An Attitude Of Gratitude
By being grateful for what we already have, we attract more good things into our life. That’s how the Law of Attraction works – and it does work, every time!
If, however, we are constantly dwelling on the things that we don’t have and begrudging others their good fortune, it’s a virtual certainty that we’ll continue in a state of lack.
The adoption of an Attitude of Gratitude brings into focus a whole host of blessings that we might well have been overlooking – or that …
Impress Them With Your Killer Attitudes
3 Tips For Developing That Winning Attitude
What is success? The answer depends on who’s responding to the question. There are as many definitions of success as there are people. Success involves every facet of life: your relationships with others, your ability to make it in the business world, the health that you need to preserve, and the happiness that you enjoy. It also involves a security that goes well beyond financial security; I’m talking about the security of knowi…
Practice Self Talk And Positive Affirmation Statements In Your Life
Positive self-talk means purposely giving yourself positive reinforcement, motivation, and recognition- just as you would do for a friend. Congratulate yourself when you do well, and remind yourself of your abilities, accomplishments, strengths and skills. Keep a to-do list, check off accomplishments, and review your progress periodically.
Make self-talk work for you. When you habitually say to yourself has a very profound impact on your self-image, your self-esteem, and y…
Seek Opportunities In Everything That Comes Your Way
Q. What happens when we focus on the negative side of life instead of the positive? We miss out on seeing the breadth of opportunities that would otherwise enable us to develop and strengthen our lives.
The result? We end up journeying on a downward spiral, feeling that no matter what we do, we simply won’t win. The solution? To start seeing everything in our life as an opportunity for growth; every encounter, every incident, and even every challenge.
Q. Are You?
– …
Warning! Your Attitude Is Reflected In The Mirror Of Life
Maybe this has happened to you:
Take two identical days, just ordinary routine days, nothing special happening…
On one of the days, you wake up in morning feeling great – it’s a beautiful sunny day, you can hear your favourite sounds, you’ve got a great mental attitude, positive that everything is going to be easy:-)
Your journey to work is easy, you fly through your work and to cap it all, you have a fantastic evening at home. In short you have a great day!
On …
Success Lessons From Soccer – How To Win or Lose In The Game Of Life
Soccer matches are all about scoring goals and being winners. As a result, soccer can hold up a mirror to life since many humans also want to achieve goals and to be winners in the game of life. There is much to be learned about life in general from soccer players, managers and commentators.
Columnist Nan Russell shares career insights learned over 20 years in the corporate world, including as a Vice President at QVC