What Is Wealth?

Most of us dream of acquiring wealth. For many people, wealth is something that would earn you the respect of the people around you. When you hear the word wealth, you naturally think of material things. You wish to enjoy the many comforts of life that can be only achieved if you are wealthy. There are several ways you can acquire wealth.

What is wealth?
Many concepts and solutions of what wealth can mean to you:
Work Hard
You do not get rich by lounging around your h…

What You Didn’t Know About The Law Of Attraction

Imagine for a moment that it’s Monday. The alarm clock rings at six. It’s like a thunderclap cutting through the haze of yesterday’s white whine and three hours worth of Friend’s rerun.

So you get up… and accidentally bang your knee on the bedpost. Dark murderous thoughts fire across your neurons as you amble to the bathroom where you stub your toe.

Bam. Suddenly everything and everyone is public enemy number one.

You snarl at the wife handing you eggs.

You froth …