Here are a few ideas on maximizing your any acting opportunities that might come your way, or creating the opportunities in the first place.

Ethnicity and regionalism in voice over, is your race or culture a burden?

We all know how quickly an article about race, color or culture can spin out of control, so allow me to make a preemptive strike and announce right here that this is not an article about righting wrongs or correcting the world’s problems. If you suffer from hypersensitivity to racial issues, you may not want to read any further. Just understand that this article was derived from a collection of observations of race and ethnicity as they apply to the business of commercial voice over and nothing more. After 10 years performing voice over and coaching talent from all walks of life, these are some of the things I have seen and my opinions about how they effect multicultural actors attempting to succeed in this cross-pollinated society we call America.