When At War, What Our Troops Want Is The Election Issue!

Watching the Towers Fall and Moving Beyond Stuck-On-Stupid!

Watching the twin towers of the World Trade Center come down, live on TV, had a profound affect on many Americans including this baby boomer. Probably due to age, serious motivation to join the Ohio Army Reserve did not develop, however, until 2004 when I was fifty years old. It was not only our enemies who influenced my attempt to join up; it was the mindsets of some of my closest loved ones. Those mindsets appea…

The Self Image of a Baby Boomer

Self image takes on a different role in Mid Life. It’s not a cocky attitude which spurs on winning and over powering another person. It is about having the self confidence to be comfortable in your own skin. Creating a life and a style more suited for who you have become. It’s liking the ability to walk in your own shoes and not trying to copy or wish you were someone else. The self image of any aging baby boomer is unique.